How to Log In if WebAuth is not working
click on the "Drupal login instead" link.
Enter your username (NetID) and Drupal password -- this is NOT the same as your NetID password.

If you don't know your password, use this link to request a new password.

2021-02-23 Event Latino Medical Student Association Therapy Fluffy - Attendee non-CUP Position

Submitted by sofiakrause

This registration is for the following time slot:

____12:30- 12:45pm

-----12:45pm- 1pm

-----1pm- 1:15pm



----1:45pm- 2pm

Attendees agree to:

  • have recieved TWO COVID vaccinations, 
  • to wash hands with soap and water or alochol-based hand sanitizer before and after the event
  • to respect the time of event coordinators and other attendees
Position Type: